The Most Energy-Efficient Fridge Freezers in 2022

The Most Energy-Efficient Fridge Freezers in 2022

As the world moves towards a more energy-efficient future, appliance manufacturers are under pressure to create fridges and freezers that use less power. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the most energy-efficient fridge freezers on the market in 2022.

We'll also answer the most common questions and provide tips on how to choose an energy-efficient fridge freezer and how to use it efficiently.

Here's what we'll cover:

Fridge freezer energy ratings explained

Fridge freezer energy ratings tell you about the energy efficiency and power usage of each model. The higher the rating, the more energy efficient the model is.

New energy labels were introduced on the 1st January 2021. In comparison to the older labels, they’re easier to understand and show the energy efficiency of the electrical product. The old labels showed a range of energy efficiency from A+++ to G, with A+++ being the most efficient. The new labels show a specific energy efficiency rating from A to G, with A being the most efficient.

The new labels allow customers to compare the energy efficiency of different products more easily and make more informed choices about which products to purchase. They also state the estimated annual energy cost of running the product to help consumers to compare the running costs of different products.

How much power does a fridge freezer use?

The average fridge freezer uses between 200 and 400 watts of power. This means that a fridge freezer uses about 3 kWh of energy per day – on average, this amounts to about 7-8 percent of a household's total energy usage.

However, these figures can vary depending on the size and efficiency of the fridge freezer, as well as how often the door is opened and closed. For example, a fridge freezer that is opened and closed frequently will use more power than one that is not. If the seal is broken, the fridge freezer will need to use more energy to keep the inside cool.

To find out how much power your fridge freezer is using, you can check the energy label attached to it. If you want to reduce the amount of power your fridge freezer uses, you can try some simple energy-saving tips, such as:

  • Making sure the door is closed properly
  • Defrosting it regularly
  • Keeping it away from heat sources.

You can also buy energy-efficient fridge freezers, which use less power than standard models. Some manufacturers offer models that use as little as 1 kWh of power per day, which can save you about £50 per year on your electricity bill. If you're looking for a new fridge freezer, it's worth considering one of these models to save money on your energy bills.

Energy-efficiency fridge freezer models

If you're looking for an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly fridge freezer, here are some great model choices:

Samsung RB38T605DB1/EU Frost Free Fridge Freezer

The Samsung RB38T605DB1/EU Frost Free Fridge Freezer features a sleek design with a black glass finish and stainless steel trim. This appliance has a moisture-controlled crisper drawer which is perfect for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. It’s also frost free.

Samsung RB38T605DB1/EU Frost Free Fridge Freezer

Bosch Serie 6 KGE49AICAG Low Frost Fridge Freezer

The Bosch Serie 6 KGE49AICAG Low Frost Fridge Freezer is an energy-efficient appliance that is specifically designed to save you money on your energy bills. It offers a number of features that increase its energy efficiency, including a specialised insulation system that helps to keep the cold air in and a door seal that helps to prevent warm air from entering the appliance.

Bosch Serie 6 KGE49AICAG Low Frost Fridge Freezer

Samsung RB38A7B5322 Frost Free Bespoke Fridge Freezer

The Samsung RB38A7B5322 Frost Free Bespoke Fridge Freezer is a great choice for those who want a stylish and environmentally friendly fridge freezer. It offers a digital inverter compressor, which makes it more energy efficient and quieter than other fridge freezers. This model also has a multi-flow air system, which ensures that the air inside the fridge freezer is evenly distributed.

Samsung RB38A7B5322 Frost Free Bespoke Fridge Freezer

Hotpoint H9X 94T SX Frost Free Fridge Freezer

The Hotpoint H9X 94T SX Frost Free Fridge Freezer is a particularly quiet model, making it a great choice for families with small children. It has a specialised cooling system which means that it uses less energy than other fridge freezers on the market, helping to save you money on your energy bills.

Hotpoint H9X 94T SX Frost Free Fridge Freezer

Smeg FAB30RBL5UK Retro Static Fridge Freezer

Keen on retro appliances but still want to save money on your energy bills? The Smeg FAB30RBL5UK Retro Static Fridge Freezer is a classic-looking fridge freezer powered by modern technology. It offers a range of useful features such as automatic defrosting and an adjustable thermostat. With a capacity of 300 litres, this model is ideal for larger families or those who entertain often.

Smeg FAB30RBL5UK Retro Static Fridge Freezer

Miele KFN29243D Stainless Steel Frost Free Fridge Freezer

The Miele KFN29243D Stainless Steel Frost Free Fridge Freezer is a stylish and energy efficient appliance that will keep your food and drink perfectly chilled. The fridge has a sleek design with a glossy white finish and features two doors, a spacious interior and a handy ice dispenser. The freezer compartment is frost free, so you won't have to worry about ice build-up, and the appliance is also very quiet.

Miele KFN29243D Stainless Steel Frost Free Fridge Freezer

Next steps

As we become more conscious of the climate crisis, many of us are looking for ways to reduce our energy consumption. One area where we can make a big difference is in the kitchen, by choosing the most energy-efficient fridge freezer for our needs.

In 2022, the most energy-efficient appliances on the market will be A rated. This means they use up to 25% less energy than the previous A+++ models. In terms of absolute energy consumption, this translates to a saving of around 50 kWh per year – the equivalent of around £10 on your energy bill.

Need some help with choosing your new model? Take a look at our fridge freezer buying guide or get in touch with a member of our team.

Fridge Freezer Buying Guide


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